Independent samples t test

Hypothesis testing. z-score testCompare sample to a known populationPopulation variance is knownOne-sample t testCompare sample to a known population Population variance is unknownIndependent samples t testCompare two samples from unknown populationsBoth population variances are unknownBe

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Independent samples t test

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1. Independent samples t test

2. Hypothesis testing z-score test Compare sample to a known population Population variance is known One-sample t test Compare sample to a known population Population variance is unknown Independent samples t test Compare two samples from unknown populations Both population variances are unknown Between-subjects design Related samples t test (paired t test) Compare sample difference between two conditions Population difference and variability are unknown Within-subjects design

3. Hypothesis testing So far, we have looked only at using one sample as the basis for drawing conclusions about one population However, it is common in research to compare two (or more) sets of data. E.g.: - compare men's and women's attitudes toward abortion - compare the effectiveness of two teaching methods - compare patients' level of depression before and after therapy

4. Two general research strategies Independent samples the two sets of data come from completely separate samples e.g., men and women an independent-measures t test is used between-subjects design Related samples the two sets of data could come from the same sample e.g., people with depression, before and after therapy a related-samples t test is used within-subject design

The t Test for Two Independent Samples

The t Test for Two Independent Samples

The t Test for Two Independent Samples Compare means of two groups Experimental—treatment versus control Existing groups—males versus females Notation—subscripts indicate group M 1 , s 1 , n 1 M 2 , s 2 , n 2 Null and alternative hypotheses

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Independent Samples t-Test (or 2-Sample t-Test)

Independent Samples t-Test (or 2-Sample t-Test)

Independent Samples t-Test (or 2-Sample t-Test). Advanced Research Methods in Psychology - lecture - Matthew Rockloff. When to use the independent samples t-test. The independent samples t-test is probably the single most widely used test in statistics.

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Independent Samples t-test

Independent Samples t-test

Review of Tests We've Learned So Far. z-test and one-sample t-tests:Used to compare one sample mean to a population mean or some other known value.More common: Compare two (or more) sample means to each otherTwo general research strategies: Two completely separate (independent) samplesTwo relat

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T-Test for Independent Samples

T-Test for Independent Samples

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Independent t-Test

Independent t-Test

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Comparing Means: Independent-samples t- test

Comparing Means: Independent-samples t- test

Population A. Population B. Comparing Means: Independent-samples t- test . Lesson 14. OR. Sample 1. Sample 2. Independent Measures Hypothesis Test. Select 2 independent samples are they from same population? Experiment select 2 samples 1 receives treatment

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Independent samples t-tests

Independent samples t-tests

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The T-Test for Two Independent Samples

The T-Test for Two Independent Samples

The T-Test for Two Independent Samples. Introduction to Statistics Chapter 10 Oct 20-22, 2009 Classes #18-19. A limitation of the t-test from chapter 9. Referred to as the one-sample t-test because can only test hypotheses concerning one sample

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Chapter 10 The t Test for Two Independent Samples

Chapter 10 The t Test for Two Independent Samples

Chapter 10 The t Test for Two Independent Samples. 10.1 Independent-Measures Design Introduction. Most research studies compare two (or more) sets of data Data from two completely different, independent participant groups … Data from the same or related participant group(s) ….

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Lecture 15: Independent-Samples t Test

Lecture 15: Independent-Samples t Test

Lecture 15: Independent-Samples t Test. 2011, 11, 15. Learning Objectives. When to use independent-samples t -test? Defining the distribution of sample means** How to conduct an independent-sample t -test?**. Independent-Samples t -Test.

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Independent Samples t Tests SPSS

Independent Samples t Tests SPSS

Independent Samples t Tests SPSS. Read This Article. Wuensch, K. L., & Moore, C. H. (2004). Effects of physical attractiveness on evaluations of a male employee’s allegation of sexual harassment by his female employer . Journal of Social Psychology , 144 , 207-217. . Download the Data.

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Chapter 10: The t Test For Two Independent Samples

Chapter 10: The t Test For Two Independent Samples

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The Independent Samples t-Test

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Chapter 10 The t Test for Two Independent Samples

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Related Samples T-Test

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The t Test for Two Independent Samples

The t Test for Two Independent Samples

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The t-test for two independent samples

The t-test for two independent samples

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Independent Samples T-Test of Population Means

Independent Samples T-Test of Population Means

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Presenting the Results of an Independent Samples t test

Presenting the Results of an Independent Samples t test

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T-Test for Independent Samples

T-Test for Independent Samples

QIM 511 Research Method and Issues in Instructional Multimedia. T-Test for Independent Samples. Statistical Test. By: Rosli Che Din Mohamed Zamri Mohd Zain Mohammad Syukran Kamal Ruzzaman Lecturer: Dr. Balakrishnan Muniandy. History.

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Independent Samples T-Test

Independent Samples T-Test

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