Letter template: Notice to quit

A notice to quit is a legal notice. It ends a periodic tenancy.

Only give notice if you can find somewhere to live before the tenancy end date.

Here is an example of what to write if your rent is due monthly:


To: [landlord or agent's name and address]

From: [your name and address]

I am giving 1 month's notice to end my tenancy as required by law.

I will be leaving [property address] on [tenancy end date], or on the day when a complete period of my tenancy ends next after 4 weeks from the day this notice is served.

Signed: [your signature]

Download the notice

How to work out your tenancy end date

A legal notice must end on the first or last day of your tenancy period.

Your tenancy period depends on how often your rent is due.

The first day of your tenancy period is the day your rolling or periodic tenancy started. It's often the day after any fixed term ended.

It could be the date your rent is due. But it won't always be this date. For example, if you have agreed to change the rent due date since you moved in.

Example if your rent is due monthly

If your tenancy started on 15 May, each month:

You must give at least 1 month's notice ending on the 14th or 15th of the month.

Example if your rent is due weekly

If your tenancy started on a Tuesday, each week:

You must give at least 4 weeks' notice ending on a Monday or Tuesday.

If you're not sure what date to write

Don't worry. Our example notice to quit includes a savings clause.

A savings clause is a legal phrase added after the tenancy end date on the notice.

It means that if you get the date wrong, your tenancy will still end legally on the next possible date after the date in your notice.

Things to consider before giving notice

A legal notice ends your tenancy and your right to live in your home.

Joint tenancies will end for all tenants even if only one of you gives notice.

You cannot withdraw a valid notice if you change your mind.

Your landlord may agree to let you or other joint tenants stay on after a notice ends.

Last updated: 14 June 2023