Section I of this Guide is for those who are unfamiliar with IDL or who are trying to decide whether to adopt it. Sections II and III are for users. Although the examples are taken from applications in astronomy, most of the Guide is general enough to be useful to workers in medical imaging, geophysics, or other areas for which IDL is well suited.

1. Key Features of IDL

The Interactive Data Language (IDL) is a proprietary software system distributed by Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc. (http://www.exelisvis.com), originally Research Systems, Inc. IDL grew out of programs written for analysis of data from NASA missions such as Mariner and the International Ultraviolet Explorer. It is therefore oriented toward use by scientists and engineers in the analysis of one-, two-, or three-dimensional data sets. Exelis claims over 150,000 users.

IDL is currently available in LINUX, UNIX/Solaris, Windows, and Macintosh versions. IDL device drivers are available for most standard hardware (terminals, image displays, printers) for interactive display of image or graphics data.

IDL is not simply a package of task-oriented routines in the style of astronomical software systems such as IRAF or CIAO. Instead, it is genuinely a computer language, readily understandable by any computer-literate user. It offers all the power, versatility, and programmability of high level languages like FORTRAN and C. But it incorporates three special capabilities that are essential for modern data analysis:

Users who are conversant with FORTRAN, C, C++, or other high level languages will have little trouble understanding IDL. Its syntax and operation are clear, sensible, and convenient (most similar to FORTRAN's). Because it is interactive, learning IDL through on-line trial-and-error is rapid.

IDL provides the scientist better understanding of and control over computations and data analysis by virtue of a large number of special features: