Public relations proposal sample

Public Relations Proposal Template

Whether you are responding to a formal Request for Proposals (RFP) that was advertised on a public relations (PR) website or if you received a request directly from a client, this template will help you create a clear, comprehensive PR proposal. If you are responding to an RFP, be sure to adapt this template to meet the specific requirements outlined in the instructions.

HubSpot Tip: If you have communicated directly with the client and know who the key decision maker is, consider including a cover letter at the front of the proposal to make your presentation more personal.

If your PR proposal is longer than just a few pages, it is a good idea to include an executive summary. An executive summary provides an overview of each of the sections in the proposal. It should be no longer than one or two pages.

HubSpot Tip: See HubSpot’s Executive Summary template for more detailed guidance on creating a great executive summary.

This section should provide a summary of the background research you have completed. Begin by giving a brief overview of the state of the customer’s industry. List the key players and their main activities.

Then, describe the public relations or marketing issue the customer is facing. Consider why they released this RFP and what their specific needs are.

HubSpot Tip: Your background research might include interviews, Internet searches, news stories, and articles.

Explain how your organization is prepared to meet the customer’s needs. Highlight the key benefits of working with your team and write persuasively to convince the customer that you are the best firm for the job.

HubSpot Tip: Be sure your proposed solution addresses every requirement in the RFP and meets all of your customer’s stated needs.

Provide a schedule of the major milestones in your proposed PR project. Using a graphic like the one below makes it easy for the reader to see the big picture.

Phase 1 [Month] - [Month], [Year]

Phase 2 [Month] - [Month], [Year]

Phase 3 [Month] - [Month], [Year]

HubSpot Tip: Consider breaking down the project into phases to make the project goal more achievable.

A PR project is only as good as the team who will implement it. Use this section to show off your staff’s PR experience and credentials.

Introduce the staff who will work on the project. Provide a brief summary of their relevant experience and education and describe their proposed role on the project.

Provide an overview of all of the relevant services your firm offers. This gives you a chance to highlight your expertise and show the breadth of your offerings.

HubSpot Tip: Consider including headshots or a photo of your team to personalize the proposal.

Present the cost of your services to the customer. Include a table like the one below, and include both hourly rates and fixed price items in your proposed pricing.

HubSpot Tip: If your budget is very complex, consider using a Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets spreadsheet.

Terms and Conditions

Include your company’s terms and conditions, which describe the provisions, requirements, rules, specifications, and standards on which the resulting PR contract will be based.

HubSpot Tip: Be sure to adapt the terms and conditions as necessary for this specific proposal.

Agreement and Signatures

Before you begin working on the PR project, the client needs to review and approve your proposal. Include signature lines directly in the proposal to make it easy for the client to sign and approve.

[Client’s Name], [Client’s Title] [Your Name], [Your Title]

HubSpot Tip: If there are multiple decision makers at your or the client organization, simply add additional signature lines.