About Us

Encinal is a 6-12 progressive public junior/senior high school located on the west end of the city of Alameda, on the San Francisco Bay. Built in the 1950s on approximately 17 acres of land, the facility just completed a $50 million renovation in the spring of 2021, which includes a new building on the campus, updated science labs, and classrooms, as well as new outdoor learning spaces

Our Mission & Vision


Encinal graduates are well-rounded citizens with the knowledge, resilience, and skills to navigate their own paths.


To provide an articulated 6-12 program of engaging and rigorous academic, CTE, and work experience options that is centered on equity for our students and our community, and which allows students to explore their talents and interests while preparing for civic participation, college, and the workforce.

Expected School-Wide Learning Results

Productive Resourceful Innovative Doing the Right Thing Empathetic


Encinal has a faculty of 60 full and part-time teachers with approximately 180 students in grades 6-8 and 1100 students in grades 9-12. A full range of college preparatory classes are available along with a variety of CTE/Vocational Education courses. Students are given the opportunity to take Honors and Advanced Placement level courses in World History, US History, American Government, Economics, English, Pre-Calculus, Calculus (AB & BC), Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, Photography, Computer Science, Computer Science Principles, and Studio Art. We also offer a Dual Enrollment Program in BioTechnology with Laney College (previously named Genomics). To meet the individual needs of students, Encinal offers a variety of special programs including academic strategies classes, English Language Development, Special Education, and after-school tutoring and mentoring programs through our Restorative Justice Center. Finally, our teachers create new courses annually to serve the interests and passions of our students such as: Peer Counseling & Mentoring, Sports in Literature, Mental Health Matters, Get Reel: Literature Through Your Lens, Radio Broadcasting, Digital Film, Navigating Life, and Adulting.

Explanation of Grading System: Students are graded based on their progression in meeting the standards for the a particular area of instruction.

Letter Grade Explanation Value
A: Exceeding the Standards 4
B: Meeting the Standards 3
C: Approaching the Standards 2
D: Developing the Standards 1
F: Failed to meet the Standards 0
P: Passing Grade Received
NM: No Mark/Insufficient Assignments Completed to Report Progress 0

Five units of credit are given for a passing grade in each subject per semester (during the 20-21 school year semesters are equal to 9 weeks of instruction, while year-long courses are equal to 18 weeks of instruction). AP & Honors courses are weighted by multiplying each grade value by 1.25. For example, an A in an honors or AP class is equal to 5.0, and so on. We do not rank our students. We limit AP and Honors classes to four classes per year. Encinal High School has an open enrollment policy for all honors and AP classes.

Graduation Requirements

220 semester units in the following subject areas are required to graduate: English: 40 credits Social Science: 30 credits Mathematics: 20 credits P.E.: 20 credits Navigating Life/Adulting: 5 credits

Additionally, 20 credits in two of the following areas is required: World Language/CTE and Visual & Performing Arts.

Lastly, students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 1.75 and complete 20 hours of community service. The State of California also requires students to pass Algebra 1 or a higher level of math (not Geometry).

Student Services

Encinal supports students outside of the classroom by providing four counselors, two college advisors, one full-time psychologist, one part-time speech therapist, one full-time nurse, and one Intervention Lead.

Through our School-based Health Center, Alameda Family Service (AFS) offers students individual and/or group counseling, as well as health services.

The College & Career Center provides opportunities for students to get college & career information, work permits, scholarship information, and assistance with college and FAFSA applications.

We also offer many forms of tutoring in a variety of settings, including after-school.

Credit Recovery is available through Cyber High.

College Acceptances

Encinal graduates have been accepted to a broad range of colleges and universities. Each year, approximately 90% of our students pursue higher education at either four-year colleges, community colleges, or technical education programs.

Below is a partial list of where our graduates have been accepted over the last five to seven years:
Air Force Academy, Alabama State University, American University
Arizona State University, Bard College, Barnard University
Boston College, Brigham Young University, Brown University
Cal Poly, Pomona Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California Maritime Academy
CSU, Bakersfield CSU, Chico CSU, Dominican Hills
CSU, East Bay CSU, Fresno CSU, Fullerton CSU
Humboldt CSU, Long Beach CSU, Los Angeles CSU
Monterey Bay CSU, Northridge CSU, Sacramento
CSU, San Diego CSU, San Francisco CSU, San Jose CSU
Sonoma State University, Chapman University, Claremont McKenna University
Colgate University, Columbia University, Cornell University
Dartmouth College, Duke University, Emerson College
Fordham University, George Washington University, Georgetown University
Harvard University, Harvey Mudd College, Haverford College
Hawaii Pacific University, Howard University, John Hopkins University
Mills College, Morehouse University, Northeastern University
Northwestern University, New York University, Oberlin College
Occidental College, Oregon State University, Princeton University
Pitzer College, Reed College, St. Mary’s College
Santa Clara University, Smith College, Stanford University
Spellman University, Syracuse University, Texas Christian University
Trinity College, Tufts University, Tulane University
UC, Berkeley, UC, Davis, UC, Irvine
UC, Los Angeles UC, Merced UC, Riverside
UC, Santa Cruz, UC, Santa Barbara, UC, San Diego
University of Arizona, University of Colorado, University, of Hawaii
University of Illinois, University of Maryland, University of Michigan
University of Oregon, University of Pennsylvania, University of Southern CA
University of Washington, West Point, Vassar College
Willamette University, Williams College, Yale University